Friday, June 27, 2008

today I'm kinda saddddddddd.
K lah, initally I was sad, butttt my mood turn rather good at night without reasn (just like there's no reason why I'm sad in the morning)

Went to school at 1pm. LOL (cux I was so tired I cant wake up in time lei)

Then during lesson I kept watching X family and I had no mooood to talk at all (surprisely)

After school, was in classroom. then i keep chatting with Peiyu and Ellin on phone. AHHH. My classmates must have thought I'm a talking machine or what. :(

In cello room

After that, I went to find Ellin at Fuhua! But we didnt find Mr Koh thought. AHHH. I miss him so much! And my jacket is in Cello Room! I forgetton clear about it! Shittttt. Which just means no newbie tank top next week AT ALL. (else I will be frozen to death without my jacket)

In cateen ^^

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