Wednesday, June 25, 2008

For a start, it's sad. LOL.
I went back to NP and a lot a lot of suay ting happen to me.

Eg; Douglas told the whole class that I've transferred to TP already. Worst, he even notified the teachers. I cant believe that the teachers are that dumb to believe me! (Okay, I told my lies so good no one suspect)

But I was late for school today! Like for 1 hour, haha. :D

And then i walk into the classroom and then I patted Yiwen's shoulder and say "HELLO! I'M BACK" LOL. She was dumbfounded!

So during the lesson, I was watching X family and I didnt realised my MEC teacher was heading towards me (I had my earphones and was copying answer for my paper) and I quickly flip down my laptop (but I tink she saw it anyway) and this was our interesting conversation:

She: Didnt I said no laptops?
Me: ERRR. sorry
She: And didnt I said no copying on the scripts itself?
Me: Err. Sorry
She: Are you happy wih your results?
Me: Not bad lah At least got pass
She: What not bad. If you continue with this results, u know u will fail your final exams
Me: Errrr... I know ah
She: I want your correction. Hand in your corrections to me by next week.
Me: Okay! (thinking tat I could copy from someone else)
She: So when are transferring to TP?
Me: Errrr. I was only fooling them only cher. (secretly cursing Douglas for letting out my secret)

Sian ah, in the end, turn out no one copied! And we were released early today, like at 1040. So I went to find Catherine before finding Shiyun for lunch.

Then then then was EECAD. I made the teacher so pek that he was like "WL. can someone help this gal or not" and my classmates came to help me. (Tuns out I had a small mistake only).

It's us again! :DDDD

SEE! One of the better room (you should have look at her bedroom, totally disater)

Her storeroom (shake head ah)

After that went to meet Shiyun and proceed to Kow's house. WAH. her house.. shake head. Really shake head. And seeing her sisters, I feel like I reallyyyyy ageddddd. It's like AHHHH. How times files! Her sister was only 6 when I last saw her and now she's like 12 already! The baby whom I attended the full month party was already 6 years old! How times files~

Her 4th and 5th sister (of which I atteneded the 4th sister full month party and then I never see her again until that day)


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