Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Finally after 2 years, I stepped into JE Swimming Complex once again with Ellin again! HAHA: D
And right now, I'm so tired I cant think well. (not to mention my leg, it's breaking!)

But I so so so so so miss See Theng! If she's there, i can play the slide for 2 plus hours straight! (with ellin.. WL @!$#%&^%#@%$. ^^hehehe...)

And we watch free "Sex and the Swimming Pool". tsk. pollute my innocent and pure mind and eyes lei. ^^

After swimming, went back to school to meet Venice, Ben and Jermain with Ellin and shun bian take back testimonial. ^^ I love the testimonials! It's so so so so nice! I mean.. Exquiste. :D

And and and the content of the testimonial:

"Neo Sing Yi is polite and respectful. She has a cheerful disposition and carries herself well. She is reliable and can be entrusted to perform tasks to the best of her ability. She shows respect to her teachers and is well-mannered.

She is serious in the pursuit of academic excellence. She is willing to learn new things by exchanging knowledge with her classmates. She seeks clarification immediately when she has doubts. She sets clear targets for herself and strives to achieve them.

As the section group leader of the Chinese Orchestra, she was very efficient in discharging her duties and can be relied upon to carry a job through to its completion. She has shown leadership qualities and was able to discharge her duties with great responsibility and pride. She was part of the school orchestra that took part in the Singapore Youth Festival Central Judging and was awarded a Silver medal in 2005 and 2007. She has also displayed her musical talents in many school and public performance. She was also a member of the Air Rifle Club.

Sing Yi had participated actively in all school fund raising activities. She has a strong community spirit. She had contributed to the community through her participation in fund raising for the Children’s Charities Association, Glory Community, Dover Park Hospice and the Tsunami Relief efforts.

With perseverance and consistent effort, she will do well in future endeavours."

LOL! I dun even know I was auctally the group leader for Year 2007! And and and, "she was very efficient in discharging her duties and can be relied upon to carry a job through to its completion." Hehehe. IN CO!! LOL, wait till I show my juniors this one day. ^^

Then we went to watch KungFu Panda! HAHA!!! :D Laughing all my time there! Not too bad.. and and and some of the characters are like.. HAPPY TREE FRIENDS!

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