Thursday, June 26, 2008

Practical was so fun today! ^^

Was susposed to go Sp to find Ellin but in the end she went off to Bugis before I went there, so i had lunch with Catherine. :D

Slept thought ELTECH because I was so tired and I am not AT ALL on the same wavelength as my teacher. Sleeping in class is like damn shiok leiii.

Practical - SUPER FUN

And after ELTECH was Practical. Practical was sooo fun today! Victor, Douglas and another Malay schoolmate and I had such fun doing the practical (I still remember how the 1st and 2nd practical was so un-likable). AHHH. I'm starting to love my classmates more and more! But but but! They are bad okay. refer:

Me: Hey. i nothing to do lei. got anything I can do.
Victor and Douglas: Got. transfer to TP.
Me: WL. Dont like that lah. I so good transfer back because of you all lei. Wah. I sad lei. like that want me to leave.
Victor: But there's nothing u can do lei.
Me: I can okay. I can help you all write good english. my english B4. Dun siao siao ok.

AHHHH. I was being bulliedddd. HAHAHA.


After practical, went to meet Catherine, Ming Xuan and AiLin for dinner. In the end, Catherine didnt dine with us. And Ming Xuan treated me to Clubhouse. WHOOSH! Damn happy okay I tell you. And Fencing was like damn fun! I love EPEE!
k lah, I *hearts* my EPEE mates MORE!

So many funny incidents happened that I kept laughing and laughing during training and I cant possible name them out! HAHA. :D okok, there's this guy, whom i dunno his name yet.

Guy: A. that $20 puma shoes girl (obvious, it's me). Your leg pain or not.
Me: Pain lah. WL, you push me down to the floor lei. See, even got scratches lei. Dont care lah, you own me one meal.
Guy A: No. If you want, I can offer myself to you.
Me: LOL. Forget it lah. I dun want you lah.

Now, if he still ask me that, WAHAHA. I will just reply : Dun want lah, you are too big to eat le. ^^

But dinner was so bored, ahhh. there's so pathenic few EPEE-ers during dinner. sad lei okay.

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