Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Someting happen today and concluion:


Blah blah blah blah...

LOL was the word I tink of once I thought of what happened in the morning.

Met with Shi Yun for breakfast at MAC today. In the end, we decided to push it to 9:30 instead of meeting at 09:00. So we met and then I decided to order HAPPY MEAL!! HAHA, of which consists of 2 Hotcakes, 1 XS milo, and 1 Toy. And then I asked for more syrup, 2 curry sauces and 2 chilli sauces then the counter ask me if I drink them one. (LOL, is GSY ask me take one ok)

And then I was late for the paper becaue I spent too much time in the toilet, thanks to the ultra FULL and FAST breakfast.

ENGMAC was such a killer ok! OMG, I was struck at Question 4 and 5, which was totally alien to me. And so I slept till the paper ended since I was meeting Yuling at 1pm, which is still so long...!!!

So after sleeping for like 45 mins, went to meet Yuling before going to East Coast, wahpiang, we walked damn far. And then while cycling half way Yuling felt uncomfortable so she decided to take a rest and I tried to see if the connecter between Changi and at Coast is opened or not. But by the time I comfirmed that the connecter is open, it's too late already and so we had to return our bike already. Haix.

Yuling who was feeling rather hot (I tink?)

The sencrey was so nice I cant help but include myself into the photo :D

And then we took 196 all the way to Clementi, which took about 2 hours. And then change to Bus185 and alight at Block 496 there cux e sddenly want to eat Ban Mian at CU.

For the first time, I was still hungy afer havin BanMian and Popiah. GOD, I can really eat right now!

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