Thursday, June 05, 2008

Sing Hui and I watching the planes.. :D

Saw the plane that flew off? ^^

Today was so so so so so so fun!
Went to cycling with my sister and Wei Siong, my cousin! :D
And mind ya! It's been a good 43557787755574 years since we last cycled together!
And my cousin might be the 10th person to know about him!

Photos my sister took while I was cycling FOR her.

The long stretch of road just beside OBS!

The plane which is auctally much bigger than what appear on the photo

I love the plant so much! It was sooo furry. AHHHH.

The last lapse of East Coast

Throughout the whole journey, we kept talking and talking and talking. And my sister was really damn heavy afterall!

And we rent a total of 6 hours today! Since Buy 1 hour Free 2 hour, and we kinda guess out that 3 hours wouldnt be enough for us because Wei Siong told us it will take 4 hours just to reach the airport. And thanks lord we ate at Subway before we cycle if not we can really die ok! (a in Wei Siong and me, my sister... damn relax!)

So we rented a double seated and a single seated bike. And Wei Siong and I decided that on the go-journey, I share the double seated with Sing Hui, and he with her on the return journey.

And wtf, just 1/2 hour of riding with my sister makes me so so so so damn tired! And she didnt cycle at times! WORST!!!

Narnia... ^ (point to above), where the trees will dance~~ :)

Our single seated bike.. of which was abused by Wei Siong (point to below)

So we left our bike at there and jaywalked to the opposite side sicne there's no one right now to steal our things. YAY YAY. AIRPLANE!!

My sister and me ^ (point to above)
Wei Siong and me (point below)
PS: We waited rather long because we are waiting for a plane to take off.

In the end we only passed by airport but didnt managed to get in. :( And getting there is not that long as in 4 hours!! It's like about 2 hours plus?
And we decided to take some photo to memorize the iconic moment when I finally FOR THE FIRST TIME cycle all the way to Changi Airport!

Reaching Changi Bench already ^ (point above) And we decided to rest because we were damn tired (especially me please)

See how big that plane was! As in how near we are to the plane!

Finally it's time to swop bicycle! And I was so glee because it's my cousin turn to ride SingHui. HURROY!

Then we deicded to stop at Changi Bench and then Wei Siong and I swop hand,finally I can ditch my sister!!! :D Then we cycle all the way back and joked even more!! HAHA. :D

The place where my sister requested to go. I dunno what's that anyway.

And my sister wanted to post this with title:
The lonely old man"

YAY. It's me...

... trying to find crabs which my sister think might exist at there.

After that, we cycle all the way back to East Coast and decided to play with the water.
And I drew Nerdy Nerd (^^) of which my sister deleted the photo away!! :(

Attempting to draw Nerdy Nerd

Isnt this photo nice? :D

And then we went to Big Splash to get some drinks and food before we returned our bikes. And SingHui said she wanted to ride the single seated bike.. And Wei SIong and I was like "OO, now what. Both of us are so pro in cycling that we dunno who to sit in the front and who in the back"

So we settled on this arrangement..

And he was rather paiseh because he's almost the 1st guy to be cycled by a girl. Haha.

So instead of returning the bikes at 8:55pm, we returnd at about 8pm and then headed off to Dhody Ghaut because I really really miss the place a lot a lot!!! :D Cant get it off my head after Yuling brought Ellin and I there.

And we laughed and chat a lot a lot at the place there, and our conversation is rather ramdom! HAHA. Damn fun ok! :D

So we ate until about 10 plus before we decided to go off and THANK YOU MY DEAR COUSIN! FOR TREATING SINGHUI AND ITO THE MEAL ANDTHE BICYCLE!!! :DD

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