Saturday, June 21, 2008

I almost cant wake up today. Haha.
Went to bugis with Pei Yu. :)
Long time didnt go with her le. ^^

Toast box again! :D
And and and the drink was free!
HAHA, instead of $5.50, the cashier charged me only $4.20! :D

And it's the first time I've tried on tube top! HAHAHAHAHA. this one is about $24 (and I'm so not willing to spend it)
And I almost got one at $10 but decided not to get it because they dun allow me to try it on.
(Glad I didnt get it, cux what if I dun dare to wear?)

AHH. I like this top! But it's $19.90 and and and I'm rather afriad I wun dare to wear too. -.-)

My favourite top which I saw with Shi Yun at City Hall's Myphosis! I prefered the white one though)
But stilll! I'm rather happy because I brought a checkered box shorts in yellow, which is my favourite colour and and and it's only $10. Not only that, it's the last piece. But it's L. ahhh. I've upgraded to L size already. Kinda glad about that because if I'm M size, it means I will have to give the pants up! Not to mention that I had spent for like months looking for cheap checkered shorts. :DDD
And and and, first time in my first time taking photos with Pei Yu in a neoprint shop! :D :D :D

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