Monday, June 02, 2008

ELTECH was such a killer paper (to me) I tink I will be sooo glad if I can score 40/100!! Serves me right for not touching my book at all yesterday! And not to mention, I was being so late for the paper today because I knew I will be finishing my paper early (since I know I will defineately flunk my paper).

Went to TP after ELTECH to meet Yuling and Ellin. YAY. And I had chicken cutlet for lunch at 3pm at there and then went to Dhody Gaut because Yuling said there's a place at Dhoy Ghaut which is damn nice to eat.

So I had curry chicken set at Dhody Ghaut, which comes with free flow of drinks and ice cream for only$6.90!!! DAMN SUPER CHEAP!

And I spent about 1 hour plus eating the set because it was just a mere 2 hours before when I was eating at TP. Meantime, Iwas uing the wireless over there too.

Strongly recommand the place because it was so relax over there. You can stay there for as long as possible because there is free flow of ice cream and drinks and anyway, you wouldnt even thought of leaving once u r there. The environment is just so great. AW.

And I was so full I showed Yuling and Elln how big my tummy was. They say my tummy was v v v v v white. ^^

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