Tuesday, June 24, 2008


that's what I told my classmates, Yiwen and Douglas and and and Audrey. Sooo, in order to make it more convincing right, I kinda put it into action.

I made it so convincing that Audrey didnt even suspect at all! :D I find myself so smart SUDDENLY. Hahahaha.

So I met Aud for lunch at Tp and guess what!

It's the what Ca what what what what one in Cateen 1!

After dining. I told her, "Audrey.. I got something to tell you lter on. :)"
And then I took out my diary and ask her to read it:

1st page: Dear _______ (fill in your name)
2nd Page: :) HAHA
3rd Page: FOOLED

And she was like : "So u mean you not transferring to NP"
And was like "YA. siao. Unless I crazy."
HAHA. 2nd Fool (first was Yiwen)

And then we decided to go Tampines Mall and shop! That's why the shocking news came - I got 49/100 for ELTECH. WL WL WL. CRAP right. WL. because of that 1 mark, I have to retake my PAPER! WL WL WL.

Then Aud treat me to Starbucks (WHEEE) and I was so full. And she was damn rubbish.

She keep refusing to take picture at first, then in the end she requested me to take photo. -.- HAHAHA!

After that I had to return to school for fencing. AND AND AND AND I saw my classmates while in the library. I was behind them (as in this group of classmate) at that time and was trying to HIDE but but but I saw another classmate (as in he is different group one), who said HI to me and I must have over reacted. I jumped. SEE, over reacted right? I tink the others saw me too. WL. I was like "WTH. why so suay. My lies are exposed. AHHHHH"

Then i went for fencing. OMGGGGG. Fencing. It was fun but was tired and and and giddy. Thanks to the numberous spinning. LOL, and I was feeling v v v v v v v sick after it.

Went for dinner after fencing and and and and the guys I'm talking me is like shitty funny.But I'm feeling rather bad that I dunno their name, and they knew mine


(I was getting them to guess what AE is (aerospace elctronics) and then they are trying to get some hints from me)

They: ERRR. After you get your dipolma, what do you get.
Me: ... a piece of white paper?
They: ... ERRR. Then what do you do after you graudated
Me: SIA lo.
They. OHHH.
Me: Please lah. Aerospace of course work in SIA lah (Was auctally getting them to guess I'm in Aerospace EXXXXXXXX)
They: ... What do you deal with then
Me: WAH. Like that damn obvious lei. ERRR. wires?
They: Electronics
Me: WAH. PRO LEIII, AFTER i gave so many hints. ^^

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