Thursday, June 12, 2008

today was so fun! :DD

For a start, I went to Tiffany's house with Ellin because dear Ellin wanna open a blogshop when

(a) she didnt know what registered mail/ EMS is
(b) she have total ZERO experience
(c) she dun know what I banking is

So on and so for the list went on. HEHE. ^^

And WL, I so regretted, nono, not regretted, but but but envious of Tiffany's laptop because it's HP (everyone knows I'm so going after HP right now), and kinda touch sensor, and it's 15.1 inches but anyway,it's so heavy. not suitable for me. ^^ TIFFANY, ENVY ME! MY LAPTOP IS ONLY 1.19KG!! :DD hehe...

Then then then went for fencing! WOOSH! FUN FUN FUN!

But the training can kill! Right now my leg is spliting, I'm so afraid tmr I have to climb into PC SHOW!

And and and! OH YA! JERMAIN! ELLIN! GUESS WHAT! LOL! It's my fencing friend's (Ming Xuan) friend who make that horrible laughter during the Narnia Show! It's them! I knew it! HAHA.

PS: Refer to Friday 30th May 2008's post.

So after fencing we went to have our dinner, this time at one of the stalls amist the whole row of stall. I dunno how to say thought. Paiseh ah.

And Ai Lin, Catherine and I decided to share the pineapple rice, which is $5.50. LOOK! I got the picture of it! And I ordered a plain roti prata with a egg prata.

Totally yummmmmmyyyyyy!!!!

But I wasnt full AT ALL (even though AiLin and Catherine was v v v full). Surprisely! Ming Xuan wasnt full too and we are auctally going to Macdonald to continue eating but was cancelled because it's too late and Catherine feels like going home. ><>


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