Sunday, June 01, 2008

Today was soo great.

1AM-3AM - Phone with Pei Yu and Yuling

Was on phone with Yuling till 1 plus before Pei Yu called me ad then oh yea, we high all the way till 3am on phone. Worst of all, I spent 3 hours telling her about HIM and then. GET HIGH. aw. PEIYU, *hearts* She told me maybe we (as in me and him) have chances of getting together.

Pei Yu: AH. FATE
And that was what got me giggle like mad because I was so happy!!

Do we really have that chances? AW, it's like I'm in crush with him only,but he doesnt like me at all. :((((( Then PeiYu told me that wun happen because I'm auctally easy to talk to (oh yea, only to him. NO LAH, jokin!) And then I remember that whenever we are together, we have a lot to talk about, but then I got this feeling he treats me as friend only. AW. WHATVER, I shall continue to lie to myself that he likes me. :D

2PM-3PM (Meeting PeiYu at JP)

Then at about 2 plus PM, I went to meet PeiYu, and we are about to start continuing my conversation in the wee hours of morning only to realised its striking 3pm and I have to rush off to meet Ellin.

3PM-6PM (Meeting Ellin and giving Pui Ying' BIG surprise!)

So so so, I went to met Ellin and this is the first time we chat until so high on phone! I keep giggling and giggling on phone because I was telling her what I was THINKING last night, of which are susposed to be CENSERORD.

Ellin- She told me to act cute on TAKE 1! So i acted cute!

So I meet Ellin and was about to high liao then Tiffany, See Theng, PeiYu and Catherine arrived. ^^

Lighting up the candles and deciding where to place the candles bcause Doremon is far too cute.

Pui Ying: Sing Yi, help me take the cake lei. :D
And so I agreed. ^^

Tiffany was e camera-man, so she wasnt on the photo. :(
TAKE 1 wasnt good. Hence...
TAK 2!

And we got her sster to take the photo for us! :D

PS: They keep pushing me to take photos ok.

3pm- 8pm (Jurong Point)

After celebrating, we went to Jurong Point and do some shopping and ate our dinner. AW, Lai lai damn damn damn nice. (Okay taka is better!)

And then I went to Ellin's house to take "The X Family" to watch, and it suddenly strikes me that the last time I went to Ellin's house was2 years ago! And oh ya, Brise is so much older already!

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