Friday, June 20, 2008

Jing kai (Ellin's Junior), Ellin, Jermain and me :)

^^ I knew every Friday will be a good Friday for me.


Met dear junior Chua Han Bin concidentally in the bus when I was heading towards Jurong Point and then met with dear junior Kevin and dear friend Ellin at Jurong Point and and all the juniors at there too.

Headed off to Meiji factory with my juniors, of whom I dunno rather a lot of them. So they took 249, which is the wrong bus. HEHEHE. So left with no choice, we had to walk all the way back to another bus stop which is super far away. And so now, my arm had an uneven tone colour. AGAIN! :DDDD
PS: Was tanned even though I had an sponsered umbrealla by Jing Kai (Ellin's junior).

The chocolate aka fudge Kevin brought for me from overseas. :D

And not to mentioned, my arm hurts so badly right now (to make it more exaggerated. ^^) because my DEAR junior Kevin hit me twice that damn hard on my shoulder when were walking towards that far away bus stop. :((( I cant believe he hit so hard when I ACCIDENTALLY step on his foot. :D

So we sucessfully reached the right bus stop and alighted at the right bus stop. :D and wheee!

(Typical Tai Tai)

SHOPPING SPREE START! kkkk, I didnt brought anything at all because I had no money to do so. I was so pathenic that my only pucca chocolate was sponsered by my DEAR junior Chua Han Bin. And it was only $0.86, I cant even afford that. AHHHH.

After that, Ellin and I, together wih her junior, Jing Kai, went to Lakeside to meet Jermain before we headed off to Orchard Road while the other juniors went to watch the CO concert. ^^

I had a hard time running to and fro taking those photos.

(Sitch: Jermain, my nose is itch, help me poke my nose lei! Kam sia ah ^^)

So we shopped Ngee Ann City, Paragon, Hereens', Cinelesiure and the last stop was Dhoby Ghaut, where we had our dinner until 8pm. T-T. Orginally planned to stay there longer but there's too many people queueing up, and being so kind, we decided to go off so that the people can finally sit down and have their meal.

Third time in a row I had spicy chicken set. :DD

And guess what! HAHA! We brought Spongebox Squarepants boxers for Chua Han Bin! It cost a bomb okay! what's more, we brought two pieces for him! HAHAHA! Almost got myself bikinis too but Ellin and Jermain dun wanna share with me because it's 2 for $49.90. T-T Hahaha! (wondering if I dare to wear or not if I brought the bikinis) And then we saw this very cute underwear for guys. So kinda regret because we should have gotten Chua Han Bin that!

GUess where we were at that time!

Msg I had for Hanbin (at the bottom of the paper bag):
From your dearest senior (love shape)
Sing Yi

It's kinda sad that I didnt get to see or take a picture of HB holding that boxers. :((((( More sad! I didnt took a picture with my dear Juniors! :((((


And oh ya! Jermain DEMANDED for thesse photos (kinda afraid if I dont do so, I will be seeing Bibi again. AHH. Nightmare!)

Her faithful COWBU, whose's been with Jermain for like years and still going even thought COWBU's head is almost GONE.

And this was what happen EXACTLY 2 years ago!

And what that EXACTLY happen 2 years after!

Conclusion :

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