Wednesday, July 18, 2007

If there's a day I wanted to go thought again, i will choose that day - 10.07.2007, Tuesday

That's the day I return to CO sectional. Dont ask me why. I dont know. All I know is that I'm excited and joyful once I step into the room. Thrilled, excited. No. It cant describe my feelings. It's thriiler than thrill, excited than excited. I dont know. All I know is - my heart pounds fast even at now.

I remember detest going back for CO pratices. But now, everything changes. Days went by with me missing my 3 juniors. I cant find the feeling back at class., no matter how hard I try. haha.

That returning was unexpected. Thanks god, I persuade myself to go back. =DD ok, and my junior too. Thanks god I went back, esle, I will forget that auctally I can speak. Oh. how shold I sae it. Anyway. Time passes real fast over there. But I answer smething wrong and spot an glance.

But then. Do remember. i let it pass on already, because I realise it cant be true. But yet you dont know. I cant persists on for years already. It's time things got to cleared off.

Okie okie. I cant continue. i think I'm going to cry, because the whole excitement is getting me worked up now. I think only tears can control the happiness bursting in my mind.

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