Monday, July 19, 2010

Class Photo




had class photo taking today and a lot of us didn't know about it, including me, and I was actally thinking of skipping school because I couldn't bring myself to wake up at all. If I knew beforehand, I would have wear jeans and get to sit in the front, but I was wearing my short pant so I don't get to sit in front. Thanks god I went to school if not I will either be absent from this photo / photoshopped into this photo.

This reminds me of what they did to Satish, he was absent from our class photo because he went to have lunch and the guys photoshop him until it looked like he passed away. it was so damn funny yet mean.the comments my classmates made really made me laughed so hard in front of my computer screen!!

so after he came back, we had another photo taking, this time with everyone present because this photo is supposed to be our graduation photo or something.

sometimes I wondered how he took all those coloured comments. I actually admired him for his extremely high EQ, I think I will snap if my classmates constantly made such comments about me. So I asked him how did he took all those insults when he was younger, I thought it might be harder for him when he was in primary school, but he told me not to probe any further because he don't feel like saying it.

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